How It Works


Create an Account

Join Classicharms Rewards and start earning points on your every order.


Shop and Earn Points

Earn points every time you shop, share or follow our news and updates. It's as easy as that!


Redeem Rewards

Every order means you've saved on the next one, redeem your points and enjoy your rewards.

Ways to Earn Points

+100 Points

Create an Account

+1 Point = $1 spent

Place an Order

+75 Points

Follow Us on Instagram

+75 Points

Like Us on Facebook

+200 Points

Birthday Bonus


How do I join the Classicharms Rewards program?

To participate in Classicharms Rewards, you must create a Classicharms customer account. If you have a Classicharms account, you are automatically enrolled in the program. You must be signed in to your account to receive points, redeem rewards.

How do I earn points?

As an Classicharms Rewards member, you receive points by completing purchases on Your points are deposited once the returns window closes for that particular purchase. You can also earn annual bonus Birthday and Anniversary (of your choice) rewards by inputting those dates. More points can be earned by completing qualifying social media activities. Points may not be earned on purchases paid for by gift cards or orders placed on Classicharms retail partner sites. We’ll add new ways to earn points in the future, so check back often.

How do I redeem my rewards?

You can redeem your rewards during checkout for eligible coupon discounts. Please note that your points will be deducted immediately and rewards cannot be converted back into points. Only one reward can be redeemed per order and rewards may not be combined with any other offers.

How do I get my birthday and anniversary bonus points?

To receive your birthday and anniversary bonus points, enter your birthday and anniversary dates in the Rewards section of your account profile. Your anniversary date can be any date that is important to you. Your birthday and anniversary bonus points will be available automatically each year beginning on those dates.

Can I transfer my points or rewards to another customer?

No, points and rewards are not transferable.